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The candidate can count on the help of an assessor to prepare well for the exam. The assessor helps
to determine the skills he already has, to establish the required level and standards to complete the
training successfully, but also to establish an action plan. NVQs are divided into 5 levels depending on
the required skills.
The NVQ system is suitable for people who have certain skills, but need to improve them. It is also
suitable for those who are beginners.
2.3. Validation Process
It is worth pointing out that the validation process cannot be limited to testing a person's knowledge
and skills to obtain a particular certificate. It is also a recognition of potential - what a person already
knows, what he or she can do, but also what he or she has a problem with and what he or she still has
to improve in his or her knowledge and skills.
Main Factors
In order to choose the right method for the validation process, the following factors should be taken
into account:
the nature of the learning outcomes,
the stage of validation,
the needs of the person entering validation.
The nature of the learning outcomes
Learning outcomes are, in other words: knowledge, skills and all social competences that have been
acquired through learning. It should be remembered that each method works for a specific category
of learning outcomes. Therefore, the selection of appropriate methods as well as techniques and
tools to match the learning outcomes of the qualification and the verification criteria specified for
them is an essential condition for carrying out validation in a correct and accurate way.
The stage of validation
This point is discussed in detail in the next section (2.3.2.) called: ”Stages of validation”.
The needs of the person entering validation