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the answers given. The structure of the
interview is dependent on the objectives
of validation. The topics covered during the
interview are imposed in advance and serve
to gain specific information and knowledge.
Usually all candidates are asked the same
questions, even their order is kept.
Observation in real-life conditions Analysis of the candidate's activities in the actual
conditions of the tasks that are described in the
description of qualifications. Most often the
observation covers the candidate's activities
at his workplace or only part of his work.
Observation in simulated conditions Analysis of the candidate's activities under
conditions created for the validation process
that is close to reality. The use of simulation
results from the fact that sometimes the
application of this method in real conditions can
be dangerous, raising an ethical dilemma,
or simply too time-consuming.
Presentation The presentation consists in the preparation,
presentation and discussion of a specific topic by
the student in the presence of an audience and
experts. During or immediately after the
presentation, the public and experts may ask
additional questions to give the candidate the
opportunity to demonstrate a thorough
knowledge of the subject or to clarify any
Unstructured debate This type of debate involves the exchange
of arguments on a specific topic in a group,
where participants have great freedom
of expression. There is no division of roles here,
nor is there any imposition on them to present
their positions. The topic of the discussion
is predefined by the moderator, but there
is no script. However, in some techniques
(e.g. brainstorming) there are certain patterns
of behaviour that must be followed. The course
of the debate depends on the ideas and
creativity of the participants.
Structured debate This method consists of a structured and guided
group discussion based on the exchange
of arguments on the selected topic. It can
go according to the script. There's a division into
roles. The topic is fixed in advance (it shouldn't
be too easy, but it should provoke the
participants to discuss it). Sometimes there
is a need to prepare the participants of the
discussion in advance in order to gain necessary
information and arguments.