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Theoretical test (written or oral) This method involves testing the candidate's
knowledge and ability to apply it. It consists
in the analysis of the answers to the questions
asked or the tasks performed by him. This
is a very common, simple and convenient
method. It allows the validation of multiple
people at once. The tests can take different
Peer assessment It consists in the fact that students evaluate the
work of their peers on the basis of a set
of criteria created by the trainer. This tool helps
students to develop judgmental skills, critical
skills and self-awareness.
Self-assessment It is a process in which students reflect on their
own work and assess how well they have done
with the task. This method allows students
to identify their strengths and weaknesses and
areas for improvement. However, it is worth
remembering that self-assessment can be very
subjective. So, self-evaluation is more often
used as part of the formative rather than
summary evaluation process.
It is possible to combine this validation method with others. Some of the above methods can be used
for each of the 3 stages of validation (an example is unstructured interview). The others are intended
for specific stages only. An example of such a method is the competence skills audit, which can be used
in 2 stages of the validation process: identifying and documenting. It is also worth noting that although
some methods can be used by definition at all stages, they will still work best on only one of them. An
example is the theoretical test - which can be used at any stage, but will be most effective at the
verification stage.
Two major approaches to validation of competences “Sense of Initiative and
Entrepreneurship” (bilan de compétences, NVQ)
In this part of the chapter, the 2 selected validation methods will be discussed in more detail. Some
of them are briefly described above in the table.
The first one is BILAN DE COMPÉTENCES (Skills audit), which was previously defined as: ,,This method
aims to develop a plan for the professional development or further education of an individual and
consists in identifying and analysing his or her knowledge, skills and broadly understood social
competences (including motivation and aptitudes).”
The skills audit is a set of methods, it includes, among others different kinds of structured interviews.
The French model often serves as a model for this method. It does not have 1 scenario to carry out,
but it can be divided into the following 3 stages: