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P. 16
This is a test that trainers can use for finding out the level of the class. This exercise does not have
correct answers, but is meant to help the trainer to evaluate the starting and final point of view of the
participants regarding their sense of initiative, motivation, self of confidence, before and after the
The test can be done by the trainer as a test and then proposed to the class as a group or to be done
in couples.
5.1. Initial Assessment
1. How do you consider yourself in terms of sense of initiative? It means: do you take decisions
about your life on your own or do you prefer to have a guide: a friend or a relative who can
advise you on the best choice to make?
a. I am independent in my decisions and take most decisions on my own
b. I like to take decisions on my own but I prefer to listen to suggestions by others first
c. It depends: sometimes I decide on my own but sometimes I follow other people’s
d. Mostly I follow other people’s advice and I don’t think usually I am independent in my
e. Other (please describe) ________________________________________________
2. Please describe a moment in your life when you had to make an important decision about a
an relevant choice:
3. Do you prefer a paid job as an employee, which gives you a certain level of security, or do you
prefer an independent job that gives you the freedom to work on your own?
a. Employee
b. Independent job
4. Do you have a dream job or a project that you have always thought you wished to realise?
a. No
b. Yes. Please describe ___________________________________________________
5. How do you feel if you think about your dreams or projects?
a. I thinks it’s impossible to realise them, I don’t know how to start and what to do.
Basically I don’t think I am able to realize them.
b. I think it’s very hard and it’s very difficult to make them real, but if I had the possibility
to get some help maybe I might try