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P. 18
3. Do you prefer a paid job as an employee that gives you a certain degree of stability or do you
prefer an independent job that gives you the freedom to work on your own?
a. Employee
b. Independent job
4. Do you have a dream job or a project that you would like to realise?
a. No
b. Yes. Please describe ___________________________________________________
5. How do you feel if you think about your dreams or projects?
a. I thinks it’s impossible to realise them, I don’t know how to start and what to do.
Basically I don’t think I am able to realize them.
b. I think it’s very hard and it’s very difficult to make them real, but if I had the possibility
to get some help maybe I might try
c. There are several opportunities today to learn how to realise a project, but I never
d. I have a dream/ a project and I already have some ideas about how to realise it but I
never started
e. I have a dream/a project, I already have some ideas about how to realise it and I
already took some steps in order to realise them
6. If you think again about a situation in your life when you took a risk regarding an important
decision (making a change in your life about a job or a relationship), do you see it differently
than at the beginning of the course? If yes, how? (please describe)
a. No
b. Yes _________________________________________________________________
7. How do you feel when you have to take a decision about important changes in your life, for
instance about a new opportunity in your job or a relationship?
a. It’s very difficult for me, I realize I hate to change
b. I accept changes just if really need to
c. I take my time but eventually I make choices that include changes
d. I like news and to take a risk if I think it’s worth it
8. As far as the level of motivation is concerned, with which of the following statements do you
agree most?
a. Usually I am very motivated and this helps me to get organized and achieve my goals
b. It’s not easy to achieve my goals and follow my plans, because there are many
problems and obstacles, but I eventually I go through them and partly achieve my
c. I’d like to achieve my goals but usually I don’t manage to do it because of the many
problems I meet
d. It’s always too difficult for me to achieve my goals, so I often don’t even try to do it
e. Other _______________________________________________________________