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1.1. Aim of the Module
This second part of the module “Digital Awareness” tackles what digital skills are and why we need
them, as well as how to use digital resources in a safe way.
Through the submodule we will try to answer the question why digital skills are a challenge and how
they can be used for the purpose of teaching and learning. We will also mention the inclusion of digital
resources for the equal access to them by any user, regardless the learning difficulty they may have.
The second part of this submodule relates to dangers behind Internet usage, followed by the basics of
both device and Internet safety. We provide good practices and recommendations on protection
before going online and while online. Important parts concern the protection of personal and sensitive
data, and careful information sharing across networks.
The submodule also includes information on copyright. We will consider what copyright is, what
information can be freely shared across networks, but also remark on copyright infringement.
Throughout the module we mention the Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu)
of the European Commission, which among others is a roadmap on digital competences for educators
and learners, including how to create, manage, share and protect digital content.
The module is split into the following submodules and subsections:
2.1. What are Digital Skills and Why Do We Need Them?
2.1.1. Introduction to digital skills
2.1.2. Digital resources and skills in teaching and learning
2.1.3. Inclusion of digital solutions
2.2. Internet and Safe Usage of Internet Resources
2.2.1. Dangers behind Internet usage
2.2.2. Basics of device and Internet safety
2.3. Copyright
2.3.1. What is copyright?
2.3.2. Copyright infringement
1.2. Learning Objectives
A. Identifying digital skills.
B. Understanding the importance of digital skills.
C. Exploring the challenges in relation to digital skills.
D. Getting to know different types of digital resources for the purpose of teaching and
E. Learning how to make digital solutions more inclusive.
F. Understanding the dangers behind Internet usage and online activities.